Pilgrimage Day 3

So, Day 3 is complete.  We are safe and sound in Sequim (pronounced Squim).  Tomorrow, church at 8AM – I tell ya, these yutes and younger grups are troopers!!  Then we’ll go up to Hurricane Ridge.

I’m happy that the kids seem to be having a great time.  We mix up who is in which van by drawing lots (as it were).  They are handling it ok – we don’t want cliques to form.

Yesterday, I was riding with B and I started being, well, myself – which at times is pretty darned goofy.  Then I confessed to B that one of the reasons I love traveling with C&D is that they already KNOW I’m crazy.  By working with different adults in the church, well, they are learning my secret.  I said “So B, I’m going to have to kill you .”  He gave a rather hearty laugh – I think I caought him off guard.  His daughter was on the first trip our church did.  But I’m still going to have to kill him – too many people are learning this about me – it must stop.  Oh, and um, all of you reading this – yeah, you’re next!

Anyhow, we gave the kids the option of going to the Hoh (hey, who you callin’ oh never mind) the option of going to the Hoh Rain Forest.  If they didn’t want to go, we didn’t have to…  They all said, let’s go!  They had a blast!  We took a 2 or so mile hike to the rivers edge (yes, and 2 miles back).  There are pictures at graceontheroad.wordpress.com.  We were there about 30-45 minutes, skipping  rocks, throwing then across the river, watching “Leroy and Lunch” – miniature wild kingdom for real.

So, I miss my peeps and pets, but these kids are amazing.  They are growing each and every day – they are still goofy teens.  I see growth where some have said there can be none.  I still have faith – I always have.  We’ve had to use some claritan, benadryl, neosporin and bandaids – and yes, its just day 3.

Tomorrow – the ridge and some hiking, some quiet time in God’s creation – some more community time…  The mural is coming along – just remember, I am not responsible!  Miss home – but this little ppiece of home is very good!

2 thoughts on “Pilgrimage Day 3

  1. Riiiiiiiight. No one will say anything about your goofiness and no one will get hurt.

    So glad it’s going well…but then we knew it would!

    {{{{GRACE PILGRIMS}}}}

  2. I’ll be interested to learn about the ‘blanks’ being filled in. Hopefully your goofiness won’t be part of it, or so many will needlessly die. Peace, friend.

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