Iceland Adventure Report

I’m not blogging during the trip. Just not high on the list. I will blog about each day when I get home and I’ll include photos. I have taken a few. Six days to go through two card (530 each card) and yesterday I went through one card so yes, that means over 530 photos in one day.there were glaciers and icebergs and glaciers and all around awesomeness!

I hear horrible storms went through home last night. I hope everyone is okay. I hope the power comes back on soon.

Peace and love to all.

Adventure Begins Tomorrow

I’m mostly packed. Very challenging packing for a wedding and camping. The wedding wear will be for one vent, then to the bottom of the suitcase. There’s a party on Friday night too, so another outfit. The camping part is pretty easy-ish.

The weekend is packed with events! I kinda of tired just thinking about it. Monday we pick up the RV and hit the road. Hopefully, there will be reports from the road. Hoping for Interwebs connections along the way.

I’m looking forward to some wonderful food. Iceland has amazing hot dogs. Yes, hot dogs. Served with ketchup, mustard, raw onions, crispy onions and remoulade. Oh, yum! There will also be some interesting foods. Petrified shark has been mentioned. Yum? Maybe not so much. We’ll have to see.

Adventure time!

Two Weeks Until the Adventure Begins

I’m going to Iceland. I’m renting an RV and taking a week and driving around the country. This is right up there with the grandest, most adventurous vacation I’ve ever taken. It is a little daunting but for me, part of the fun is in the planning (ya, wacky but whatever). Everything is almost all set,except the packing and the getting out of the house. Two weeks seems like a long time but it also feels like it will blast by like nothing.

I’m trying out the WordPress app for iPad, maybe it will make posting easier and thus more frequent. We shall see. This may be an adventure too.