Ciao Bella…

no, it’s not good-bye…  it’s a wonderful gelato you can buy at the grocery store…  I got some at Whole Foods…  first tried the Mint Chocolate Chip – it was good, but they use a different mint than most…  it was more of a spearmint than a peppermint.  A nice change…

Then I’d heard about two flavours available for a limited time…  Blackberry Cabernet and Blood Orange!  OHMEGOSH!!! Very yummy.  They are not sweet but they are more tart – a refeshing change to ice cream.  There’s a creaminess but they are also a bit icy. 

I highly recommend both flavours! and they come in handy single serving size – otherwise known as one pint containers.

and then we wait…

Talked with my brother on the phone (he lives in Wales), he was making a vegetable tart and asked what we were doing today…  I said, breakfast, working for half a day and the we wait…

That’s what Advent is about…  watch and wait…  that’s what Chrsitmas Eve is about – more waiting… 

Waiting is not bad…  it gives times to anticipate the coming of Christ, the coming new year, the coming of wonderous things… 

There’s so much “doing” in the workd today – maybe we all need to slow down and watch and wait for a little bit… 

I wish for you a little piece of time today to watch and wait and see what happens…

Peace of the Season…


So, as my friends know, I tend to be a somewhat literal person (you know, 1’s and 0’s)…  but what exactly is meant by God predetermining things?  How does that work?  If it does work, why do we do anything – won’t God take care of things?

I saw an interview with the winner of this year’s Master’s Tournament – a sort of unknown – certainly not one thought to beat Tiger Woods…  Well, during the interview his wife said they she and her husband knew that God had predetermined who would win the tournament so it was all okay…  Does God really have these events in his To Do list? 

The whole “God getting out of the bathtub” to help skeezy Dick win Big Brother this summer (oh dear, I’ve revealed too much about my private life again!)…  Well, yes I watch these unscripted dramas – they are not reality show – there is NOTHING real about them!  Anyhow, I digress… 

Ya, so, NO – I don’t think worries with who wins the Master’s or Big Brother…  I think God is busy helping us to find the right way in life, hoping we will be more kind to each other and planet Earth, guiding us – sometimes kicking and screaming toward the right path to be truthful and fair and honest and try not to hurt each other so much…  IMHO God doesn’t really care who wins the lottery, game shows or-the like…  God does hope that we use our good fortune and abilities to make the world a better place.

If people do believe in this – why bother try, if God’s already decided – if its your turn to win – won’t you win anyhow?  That’s where I’m a bit too literal – – but seriously, I don’t get how it works… 

To steal a phrase from Oprah…

“What I know for sure” – well, I know for sure that we can only do the best we can do.  Your best and my best may be very different, but I truly believe that we live life trying to do our best.

A friend died this week from a long war with cancer – he won a few battles along the way, but ultimatly lost the war on Monday morning…  He was surround by family and thankfully hospice.  For those who don’t know, the service hospice provides is wonderfully respectful to the patient and to the family.  It just makes passing as easy as it can be (which is not saying its easy – but they do so much to help, and most people don’t even know)…

I thought about trying to see him last week and as the week slipped away I asked myself whether or not I’d be okay not seeing him again – and the answer was yes.  Last time I saw him he was quite frail (and I hear it just progressed).  He is a man who knew the love of God, of his family, of his church community, of his colleages and probably of most people who met him…  He was always happy to see you and told you so!  Honestly, it was a bit embarrassing hearing how wonderful I was and how happy this man was to see me on any given day – but that was my hang-up not his. 

I think he wanted to be sure everyone knew how thankful he was to God for his life and for your presence in his life.  He sang in the choir for years and could not carry a tune in a bucket, but the man could whistle!  I loved to hear him whistle in the church.  You’d hear him sometimes more than a minute before you’d see him coming around a corner.  If there was whistling, you pretty much knew W was “in the building.”

Two summers ago he joined the first Mission group on a trip to Honduras – to Our Little Roses, which is a girls home in San Pedro Sula.  We went in August – and it was hot!  W did really well!  He paced himself, helped out with making cupcakes which was an adventure, sanded dining room chairs by hand like the rest of us…  It was a wonderful trip and a great opprotunity to see someone in their 70s stretch and try something new.

W’s youngest daughter was one of my “kids” in youth group and well, she’s all growed up now so I consider her one of my closest friends…  anyhow, she is home and keeping things together as best one can at this time…  I lost my dad after a very long illness and even when you know they are dying – it doesn’t make it any easier… 

I don’t think this post is trying to go anywhere – I think its my way of saying good-bye to W and it was certainly a pleasure to know you Sir.  I know that I will once again hear your whistling when I join the heavenly chorus myself (no offense but hopefully not soon). 

Peace and Love of the Lord to you and all you love…

Army Navy Game!

It was not the win the Black Knights wanted, but the commraderie and rivalry and paegentry and honor of the day overshadows the loss. 

The Middies and Cadets are SO young (its not that I’m getting older)! Yes, they are college students – but the decision the current corps make is SO adult! SO informed (yes, we are at war!). SO honorable…  I am in awe and thank them, all who have come before and all who will come after for their willingness to serve this country.  Many service men and women have made the ultimate sacrifice, but all (for whatever reason) have made the decision to serve their country and protect our freedom…  For that I thank them! 

Spent the day with A, her dad and E.  Great day with great friends…  Long day! We left at about 7:45 and got home around 9:30…  Used Tom Tom to navigate!  That thing is AWSOME!  I love technology!

That’s it for now…  Great day and tomorrow will be here very soon!  I’m acolyte at 7:30, so more later.

Cover blown…

So, you can only be stealth on the internet if you stay away (completely away) from places (blogs) where people you know hang out…  There are breadcrumbs everywhere – you leave a trail no matter where you go… 

I guess the real question is – does it really matter…  probably not…