
– I got more than half-way packed over the weekend.

– Monday night, the adventure was cancelled due to ship crippled by engine failure. They had to fly the current group home from Greenland – total bummer for them too!

– Hope for a different opportunity starting in two weeks.

– Being a “planner,” it is unsettling so am trying to live into the uncertainty. This is not an easy thing.

– Growing experience, but disappointing for sure.


– Lists, piles, packing, and procrastinating

– How many “adventures of a lifetime” can someone have? I feel like I may be having more than my share

– Worship, praise, and remembering a beloved parish member – we are forever grateful for her gifts of vestments and linens

– Grief can be absolutely palpable and deafening. It never goes away but it morphs

– Slow progress in weight loss and more progress in moving more and eating better



– The lists are not any shorter. I actually think they are longer. As quickly as things get checked off, more things get added.
– It’s hard to believe we are half way through July. Half way through the Tour de France. Just over half way through the year.
– Sketchbook Skool semester 2 is underway. I’m already behind. I need to catch up and do some sketches from the vacay.
– The Summer Polar Vortex has arrived. Temps today in the low 80s. I wore a lightweight long sleeve shirt all day. A/C only came on once or twice all day. Lovely!
– Trying to finish the book on Greenland. Written by a guys who hiked around the southern part of the country. Interesting. Funny. Fascinating journey he took. The title is “Greenland – The End of the World.”

Long List of Things To Be Done

There are times that the list gets very long, and this is one of those times. They are important things and silly things. They will require lots of time and not much time. Right now I’ve sat and got the Missioners from church set up to do their blogging while they are away and now I’m going to crawl into bed and write down the list of things to be done. Writing the list down will get them out of my head and hopefully allow me to sleep well tonight (which did not happen last night). 

My exercise goal this week is to walk very morning at the Y. I’ve started off well, I went this morning. 2.25 miles at a 3.5 mph pace. There’s no reason I can’t do this every morning. It’s much easier to walk indoors in the Summer where there’s no humidity and I don’t need to put on sunscreen. I pay the Y money each month, so it’s time to use it.

Now, to the list and sleep… I’m ready for the Summer polar vortex to arrive!