Soul Food. Dec 26 #reverb10

December 26 – Soul Food What did you eat this year that you will never forget? What went into your mouth & touched your soul? (Author: Elise Marie Collins)

(*Yes, Dec 26 – but at this point I’m gonna do what I do and jump around and hit the days I’ve missed or maybe not hit all of them, but this may go on a while. Whatever. There are no rules here.)

Kouing-aman, a rich buttery pastry from Brittany – sold by Les Madeleines in Salt Lake City, Utah. I saw this on The Best Thing I Ever Ate the week before traveling to SLC and took an early morning cab to the shop to be sure they didn’t run out.

I shared the pastries with some friends and we all agreed that they were truly the best things we’d ever eaten. Flaky, buttery, cinnamonny, crunchy sugar, OMG they were divine. They were still warm from the oven and when you broke it apart the butter just pooled…

Lest you think I exaggerate – here is a blog from someone who know the owner (that might make her somewhat partial) but just tasting these things would make one completely partial so I believe it is an honest assessment. This entry was written five years ago – and I can tell you that as of this summer, they are still this good. She Craves. Go look, she’s got pictures and the only photos I have are on my phone and not as good as hers. Do not lick the monitor! and put a towel over the keyboard in case you drool.

If you are going to SLC, go to this place. If you are not going to SLC – go to SLC and go to this place.

You have been warned.

Travel. Dec 22 #reverb10

December 22 – Travel How did you travel in 2010? How and/or where would you like to travel next year? (Author: Tara Hunt)

Most of my travel in 201 happened in a 7 week period over the summer. New Orleans for a Mission Trip. (at which time I bid on “Tea with the Bean” – a blogging cat and her thumb-havers in Tacoma, WA.  She and her peeps foster kittens for the Humane Society and this was a fundraiser for the Humane Society – and I “won” – that trip came later). Salt Lake City for Stampin’ Up! Convention (much fun as always and got to hang with and meet some new friends). SF Bay area for work. Seattle to have Tea with the Bean and meet my BFF growing up’s “new” daughter – she adopted Africa from Ethiopia in March. There was another trip to CA for work – and a short weekend trip to Rhode Island/Massachusetts in October. The year has ended with a 27 hour trip to Boca Raton two weeks ago because with all of that travel, I was 326 miles short of Premier status on United and I begged my way in last year and you just can’t do that twice!

Next year’s travel starts off fast – Rome in January then who know what? I hope to get Mum on a trip as she celebrates her 80th bday – one that we weren’t sure she see just a few months ago – but things appear to be looking up on that front.

So far…

behind… maybe I’ll catch up, maybe not. I’m chewing on something that happened today – and trying to get it into words.

Im the meantime, it’s cold here! Still. and it’s not even Winter yet. Tonight Winter begins along with a Lunar Eclipse – last time a Lunar Eclipse happened on the Solstice, Galileo was still alive. Totality is reached at 3:17AM, maybe I’ll set the alarm and see if I can see if from inside my house – because it’s COLD. More later.

Friendship. Dec 16 #reverb10

December 16 – Friendship. How has a friend changed you or your perspective on the world this year? Was this change gradual, or a sudden burst? (Author: Martha Mihalick)

The new friends I have made thru Mondo Beyondo have taught me a lot about what is possible, about how to stretch and grow and reach for the things that are important. It has been somewhat gradual but it has been great watch them begin to accomplish new things in their lives. I think it is my turn to put some of the things (about which Inhave thought long and hard) into practice and stop watching others achieve their goals.

A little catch-up…
Dec 11 – 11 Things.

December 11 – 11 Things. What are 11 things your life doesn’t need in 2011? How will you go about eliminating them? How will getting rid of these 11 things change your life? (Author: Sam Davidson)

1. Stuff. I have slowly begun going through stuff, getting rid of stuff. When I throw stuff out or take it to charity there is this weigh that lift, so that I will continue next year. One piece at a time but through a dedicated effort.
2. Inertia. Slow as the start has been, I have begun going to Spin class again. It is the only exercise I actually enjoy but i’ve not been enough for my body to remember that yet, so I must keep going.
3. Sleepless nights. If necessary, I will be locking the cats out of the bedroom. Basil is like an ADD child. He’s 7 so it’s not like he’ll outgrow this phase. He wakes up anywhere from 3 to 5AM and wants attention. I’ve decided my sleep is more important than paying attention to him at 4AM, so choices must be made.
4. Fear of failure. I want to try some new creative things but I’m stuck in analysis paralysis. I’ve been reading and trying to learn as much as i can and now I just need to try to produce some stuff.
5. Grad School. I think i need to put down thoughts of Grad School for a while. I’m not sure if an advanced degree will do anything for my career so why go through all that? Why not spend the time learning creative skills? Just not sure what the next steps are for me, maybe that’s the task for 2011. Figure out what’s next.

I don’t know that i have six more right now, but I know that these prompts certainly make me think, so the rest may come in time.

Way behind

Go away for a spa weekend and lose all sense of priority – 27 hours in Boca Raton (well, 30 hours because we were delayed leaving) and I’m four days (or more) behind on #reverb10. I’ll start catching up tomorrow because the light on the timer in the office just turned off and (no lie) the cat is sitting right next to me with his eyes doing very long blinks… He’s tired but hasn’t figured out to go to bed on his own – he just looks at me and cries.

Hobbes used to do the same (he was just shy of 17 years old) and I would tell him, “Go to bed” and he would leave and go into the bedroom. Basil sits here looking more and more pathetic – he’s sort of waving back and forth now. He’s ready to fall over and keeps catching himself. P-A-T-H-E-T-I-C!

Wisdom Wisdom – Dec 10 #reverb10

December 10 – Wisdom Wisdom. What was the wisest decision you made this year, and how did it play out? (Author: Susannah Conway)

As is the way what comes to mind immediately are the not-so wise decisions. Only after they are made then i realize that there are reasons i should have chosen differently. Maybe Post-It notes all over the house to remind me would help.

I’d say I’ve made an effort to be more deliberate in my thoughts and intentions and when circumstances require, I do what is best for me. I have taken time to do what’s important in my life and care for people while putting everything else on the back burner. Luckily, I am surrounded by people who supported me in and through that time. I understand that I cannot do everything and thus stopped trying to do everything.

Next year I shall work to improve on my choices and decisions because that’s what we teach the kids life is all about – choices and decisions.

Beautifully Different – Dec 8 #reverb10

December 8 – Beautifully Different. Think about what makes you different and what you do that lights people up. Reflect on all the things that make you different – you’ll find they’re what make you beautiful. (Author: Karen Walrond)

Seriously?!? I’ve been pondering this since it hit my Inbox just after 11AM. Karen does a wonderful job (on her blog and I’m sure in her book – though I’ve not yet ordered it, I will) of exploring and identifying the beauty in most things. Not a skill possessed by a lot of people, women in particular.

The posts I’ve read today have similarly struggled with this one, so I feel that I am in very good company. I think that for now this prompt shall remain a silent reflection – because I really have no idea what to write.

Non-sequitur (or two):

– Always look inside boxes when cleaning shelves, don’t assume you know what is in a box when you actually have no idea. Must be part of that pre-Holiday nesting… I cleaned out the top half of the hall closet. Threw out a bag of stuff, found about 6 nice hangers for coats (found a pair of jeans I tore the upstairs closet apart looking for! oiy!) and well, I found this cute little teapot! In a box on the top shelf. Pretty cute. Wish I remembered where it came from or from whom…

My mind really is a sieve. I’m rereading part of Eat, Pray, Love as I prepare for my first trip to Rome with C and there were some lines that just struck me as very funny – I don’t remember them from the first time I read the book.

When watching the Harry Potter movie I kept asking E if certain scenes were in the book. It wasn’t that the entire movie was brand new to me but there were many parts that I had no idea… Do I not pay attention? I think I pay attention. I pay attention to people and often remember the minuscule details of conversations but when it comes to books and movies and stuff – forget it.

– Back to my mind “is a sieve.” I had something else I wanted to write and well… ya, I got nothing. So, Goodnight Gracie! and Basil too. <those are my cats, and the line fit so there you have it – I’m sure WAY more than you wanted>



Community – Dec 7 #reverb10

December 7 – Community Prompt: Community. Where have you discovered community, online or otherwise, in 2010? What community would you like to join, create or more deeply connect with in 2011? (Author: Cali Harris)

I have found community with folks online with whom I’ve taken a class or two. I am responding to the Reverb10 prompts because H told me about it. It is neat to get to know folks and learning about their triumphs and challenges by reading their blogs or bulletin board posts and such. While the world is a big place, the Interwebs has made it a very small place.

I read blogs written by folks in China, France, Kotzebue, Alaska (I don’t think she can see Russia from her house). I love learning about life in different places and peoples lives. I flew Seattle to have tea with a cat that i met on the Interwebs! It’s a very big place.

I would like, in 2011, to expand my communities by taking some classes – I’ve just not figured out what to take. Photography at community college? Begin Culinary School? Master’s program in Project Management? Evening School class at Seminary? There are many choices, i just need to decide what i will do and when.

Make – Dec 6 #reverb10

December 6 – Make. What was the last thing you made? What materials did you use? Is there something you want to make, but you need to clear some time for it? (Author: Gretchen Rubin)

I want to get back to the craft room and play with the numerous supplies i have. I enjoy paper crafts but have not done any in a very long time. I think there may be some Christmas gifts that will be created using some of those supplies.

I’ve not made anything in such a long time, I’m not even sure what it may have been. One thing i do know i’ll make soon is chocolate chip cookies – but i don’t think that’s what they are asking.

Wonder – Dec 4

December 4 – Wonder. How did you cultivate a sense of wonder in your life this year? (Author: Jeffrey Davis)

So, Wikipedia defines Wonder as “an emotion comparable to surprise that people feel when perceiving something rare or unexpected.” Yup, I had to look it up (I sincerely hope one of the prompts is about how we will learn to get things wrong, not strive for perfection to the point of crazy-making or something along those lines – but I digress).

This year I took a photography class/workshop. I learned SO much about my camera and what it can do and that has only added to what I’ve been able to produce through my camera. Believe it or not that was unexpected for me.

The workshop was amazing. There are some very motivated women wanting to make a living with photography and I’m sure they will be successful. What this workshop confirmed for me is that photography is something I love, my way of looking at the world and I do not (right now) want to make a living at it because I do not want it to be work.

I have a degrees in Education. I have never taught for money. I decided, while finishing my pre-student teaching, that I did not want to teach for a living. I love working with kids. I do work with kids at my church but I did not want it to be work. It is for the joy of it and for me – – just like my photography.

Will I always feel this way? Maybe not. Maybe when I retire I’ll decide that a little money for taking pictures is okay, but for right now – – looking through the camera lens brings a sense of wonder upon which I cannot put a price.