“A little piece of normal”

When life is just in complete and utter upheaval, all I crave is a little piece of normal. While the weekend was crazy – two trips to the hospital on Saturday and another on Sunday – – I carved out a few little pieces of normal for myself.

I went to Target to buy toilet paper and dishwashing soap and kitty litter and some chocolate. Yesterday I saw almost an entire half of the football game in the basement of good friends – in a room filled with friends and shear frustration over the performance of our team – but, well, it was great to have some normal in my weekend.

Now I’m going to run to the bank and the dry cleaners and Staples to recycle some ink cartridges – because it’s a little piece of normal. Work stinks right now – but tis a job and that’s a very good thing.

Later I will stop working for the day, gather up some din for M and head to the hospital for a few hours…

I would love to post some photos – another piece of normal, but there’s just been no time for that… no time for lots of things.

I wish and hope and pray for her health to improve so she can get a little piece of normal back in her life too. This has gone on way too long.

So much…

going on… bullet list…

  • great photo workshop this weekend. learned lots. can’t wait to play with camera more
  • M’s been in hospital since Saturday night. chemo kicked her butt
  • her tumor was sent for genetic testing and came back “positive” thus she is good candidate for oral chemo! no more infusions! not sure what the plan is right now, but I do know there will be no chemo next week – she needs to get her strength back
  • maybe she’ll get out of hospital tomorrow, we shall see
  • I’m pretty exhausted
  • conversations with her insurance company have actually been wonderful! Aetna has trained these folks well! these folks have not expected the consumer to be an insurance expert – it has been delightful working with them
  • work is very busy and a little frustrating right now
  • trying to care for M and do a good job at work has been very challenging
  • would love to sit in the backyard and enjoy a glass of wine but need to finish up conference call and get to the hosp and visit
  • off to the hospital… the way of my life right now… I’m not sure which way is up right now… but there you have it.

Hello Weekend

It was a long work day. Got some stuff done and got some challenges lined up for next week already.

Kitty food was purchased so we’re set for about 6 weeks or so.

Slept in my own bed last night, that was nice.

M is exhausted, nausea not too bad but still there a bit. Will go down tomorrow to do some grocery shopping for her and do some stuff.

Next week we do this again. She is getting one treatment per week for three weeks then a week off. So next week is 2 out of 3 for this first round. We’ll see how this week goes.

Orange kitty (Basil) has not really left my side all day. Keepin’ a close eye on me. I won’t pack up a bag for a few more days so maybe he’ll settle down a bit.

According to the weather guy we are in for some wonderful weather this weekend – low 80s and not humid! How awesome is that?!?

Have begun reading the suggested reading for my Me: The Abridged Version class. Awesome book. Actually, I think this lady stole major parts of my life and psyche. Encyclopedia of an Ordinary Life by Amy Krouse Rosenthal. I’m diggin’ it.

I won’t be reading the next book with the Book Group at church. I’ve got a couple of other things going on right now so I’ll catch back up with them later.

That’s about it for me tonight. I probably won’t get to bed tonight, it’ll probably be tomorrow morning but that’s what Friday nights are for, right?


Ok, at this rate I’m looking for and celebrating anything that goes well.  This one does not involve M, though she is napping right now as she is beyond exhausted and sleep is nothing but good for her.

The celebration is that the vet has received the kibble that my cats like. Ok, sounds beyond stupid and shallow but I tried to get some last week and they were out – didn’t know when it would come in because of some wacky ordering system they have. Since it is  a “prescription diet” they gave me a ‘scrip’ and hopefully I could get it at another vet. I called a vet nearer my house and they said because it’s a prescription diet they’d have to examine the cat first.

Now, I understand the litigious society in which we live but this is low calorie/high fiber stuff because the cats are indoor cats and they’ve always eaten it. It’s not like it’s really super special because of physical ailments.

I went to PetSmart and bought a small bag of something made by the same manufacturer – the cats were – ‘meh about it. I was about three days from running out of food – so, the vet is holding the two bags for me and I’ll pick them up tomorrow or Saturday – assuming I’m sprung from Springfield – even if I just run out to get it… Anyhow – yay! the cats get to have food for the weekend.

Like I said, anything to smile about and celebrate right now is a good thing.

Holli, Kimberley, C&D and S and everybody else – thanks much for the prayers – keep ’em coming – this is going to be a long row to hoe…

The Next Day

Well, this day was a little rough. M’s not felt well at all but she has eaten – even though she didn’t want to. She even walked the length of the hallway which is nearly as far as she’d walk to go to dinner (I’m mean, I made her do it!). I was heading home tonight but she felt icky enough that I’m staying another night (or maybe two – we’ll see).

I ran home to throw food at the cats – they were happy to see me but really didn’t understand why I fed them, scooped the boxes and then left again. They’ll survive.

Other things on my plate – I’m beginning an online Spanish class which is being developed and taught by someone I met through Mondo Beyondo.  Developing and teaching this class is one of her Mondo Beyondo dreams – and she invited some folks along for the ride – yay!

I’m also doing an online class for which I’ve put a widget to the right – Me: The Abridged Version. It involved creating a scrapbook about, well, Me. Thankfully a subject about which I have some knowledge. It should be fun – I’m very excited about it. I love the online classes, while they have a set ending – you can continue to work long after the official class ends. Works well in my wacky schedule.

I believe it is time to turn in and hope tomorrow is a better day. So many folks are praying – old friends and new – and that is all so appreciated.